Gérald Darmanin, Eric Dupond-Moretti and Gabriel Attal went to Guyana and Martinique to announce measures to combat international trafficking of narcotics that overwhelms these territories.
In the great room of the Cayenne prefecture, the debate on the chronic insecurity of Guyana suddenly gets carried away, Saturday 1
“Your intervention reminds me of Charles Pasqua, who had said:” We must terrorize the terrorists “”, he launches at the address of the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti. He just swears that “100 %” of cocaine smugglers will now be arrested at Félix-Eboué airport before getting on the plane for Paris, a belly full of white powder eggs. The elected official wants solutions. “The police are often qualified here as a Guyanese caress, named after a sweet juice,” notes President Serville. “We must legislate to go further”, in particular, he argues, to extend the self-defense of Guyanese citizens.
On a joint visit to the department, the Minister of Justice, that of the Interior and Overseas, Gérald Darmanin, and that of public accounts, Gabriel Attal, promised, Friday, September 30, exceptional reinforcements – Some 150 police officers, gendarmes, magistrates and additional customs officers on the horizon of the end of 2023-2025. Mr. Attal judged that “the fight against traffic was the mother of all battles”. It is first for the government to cut the road to pure cocaine which floods France, and 20 % of which comes from Guyana.
“The mother of all battles”
The sovereign services here face a tsunami of drugs. Since the beginning of the year, the seizures have been reaching the value of 630 million euros, up sharply. The anti-structuring office expects to intercept 1,800 smugglers carrying 2.6 tonnes by the end of the year, “unheard of”, according to its director, Stéphanie Cherbonnier. In the upper gallery of the prefecture, customs officials exposed their take -ups to the ministers: thermos with cocaine walls, wigs full of sachets of powder, false pork sausages, and, of course, well -tight ovules swallowed by bag of one kilo or more. Everything explodes in this traffic controlled by Brazilian and Surinamese cartels, including the salary of their “mules” – spent in a few months from 5,000 to 10,000 euros monthly, according to new figures.
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