The declaration of intention of the autonomist party femu a Corsica de Gilles Simeoni, president of the Corsican executive, comes after the refusal of the justice of a sentence for Pierre Alessandri, condemned for the assassination of the prefect Erignac .
Le Monde with AFP
The Autonomist Party FEMU A Corsica, the majority at the Corsican Assembly, does not close the door to dialogue with the government despite a context that has largely stretched in recent days. The party of Gilles Simeoni, president of the Corsican executive, reaffirmed, Sunday October 2, in a press release “his determination to see the process of discussion in progress with Paris”.
This announcement comes after the rejection on Thursday by the Paris Court of Appeal of a request for probationary semi-freedom of Pierre Alessandri, 64, sentenced to life in 2003 for the assassination of the prefect of Corsica Claude Erignac, and who has been released since 2017. He had obtained his transfer from Poissy prison (Yvelines) at Borgo prison (Haute-Corse) in the spring with Alain Ferrandi, sentenced in the same file.
In its press release, FEMU A Corsica denounced “the logic of revenge” which motivates the court decision. This makes “weigh a major risk on the process”, of discussion, added the party according to which there is “urgency to recreate the conditions of dialogue and confidence”.
Ten days after the confirmation by the Paris Court of Appeal of the parole of two former members of the Basque separatist organization ETA, now dissolved, the Autonomist Corsica party called elected officials, unions and Corsican associations “Take a position in favor of the liberation” of Pierre Alessandri, asking the government to recognize that the decision concerning ETA was according to him “perfectly transposable to the situation of Corsica”.
Gérald Darmanin on visit In Corsica from Thursday
The elected officials of the Corsican Assembly had expressed, the same day of the decision of the Court of Appeal, their “indignation”, in a joint declaration. The next day, an association for the defense of prisoners had called on elected officials to suspend discussions with the government, which had announced the independence party Core in Fronte, minority in the Corsican Assembly.
Saturday, representatives of the Corsican right, the party “Un Soffiu Novu”, an opposition group at the Assembly and the Senator related Les Républicains (LR) of Corse-du-Sud Jean-Jacques Panunzi , they, pronounced in favor of the continuation of negotiations.
The Human Rights League (LDH), for its part deplored the pronounced decision in a column, calling on the State to allow “to approach in peaceful conditions the political dimension of the Corsican question”.