While many Russians of age of being mobilized by the army present themselves at the borders of the European Union, the question of granting them a status of refugee or a humanitarian visa deeply divides the member states. >
This is a question that deeply divides Europeans and which will be on the menu of a crisis meeting of the ambassadors of the member states organized Monday September 26 in Brussels by the Czech Presidency. Should we accept and welcome Russian citizens in the European Union to be mobilized in Russia? The debate has been lively in the chancelleries since the announcement of the “partial mobilization” decreed by Russia on Wednesday, September 21. While nearly 6,500 Russians were still hurrying on Friday at the Russo-Finnoise border, opinions divergent.
Germany offered, as of Thursday, September 22, to welcome the deserters of the Russian army, “threatened with serious repression”, according to German Interior Minister Nancy FaeSer. But Prague and the Baltic countries are much less enthusiastic. The Minister of Czech Foreign Affairs, Jan Lipavsky, refused on Thursday to grant them any humanitarian visa.
“important security risks”
In a tweet, his Latvian counterpart, Edgars Rinkevics, considered that “many Russians fleeing Russia because of the mobilization agreed to kill Ukrainians, they did not protest era. It is not fair to consider that they are conscience objectors. There are important security risks to admit them and there are many other countries outside the EU where they can go. ” /p>
Many of Russians who Now Flee Russia Becaus of Mobilization Were Fine With Killing Ukrainians, they did not protrude… https://t.co/aced0vlkji
This analysis is shared in Baltic countries and Finland, which still want to reduce passages at their borders. At the beginning of September, after having fought to stop granting them tourist visas, the Baltic States, Poland and Finland had obtained, after harsh discussions at European level, only to complicate the procedure for obtaining these visas for The Russians.
Since then, these states have still decided to close their borders on September 19 to these tourists. Friday, Finland announced its intention to “significantly” reduce their arrival. However, “there are exceptions, specifies a Finnish diplomat. The Russians with a permanent visa, family relationships or properties in Finland can still pass. Likewise, they can always come for humanitarian reasons.”
To date, the number of Russians requiring asylum remains infinitesimal in the country. “Since the beginning of the year, there have been 417 requests, usually against 200 to 500 requests per year. Over the past two days, there have been four,” he added. In fact, if the number of Russians trying to pass the border has doubled this week, the borders are not taken by storm, unlike those of other countries such as Georgia, Serbia or Turkey.
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