The magistrate, who devoted four years to the file, folded in the exercise, Friday, September 23. She expressed her doubts and regrets, and was challenged strongly by an accused.
It is extremely rare to see an investigating judge to testify at the helm on his work which served as the basis for the current trial. This is the exercise to which the magistrate Nathalie Poux was folded for three hours, Friday, September 23, at the trial on appeal of the January 2015 attacks against Charlie Hebdo, the hyper hide of Vincennes and in Montrouge. M lice, 57, started by recalling that she worked for ten years, from 2009 to 2019, at the anti-terrorist pole nicknamed “the Saint-Eloi gallery”. She has exercised the functions of coordinator there for the past two years, before joining the Orleans Court of Appeal.
The January 2015 attacks file, which she described as “extraordinary”, is one of those who mark the life of a magistrate. She devoted four full years to it. “These attacks were a shock but not a surprise, because we felt that it was happening,” said, as a preamble, the one who describes himself as “the most pessimistic” of the judges then charged with Instruct anti -terrorist files.
Irony of history, Nathalie Poux, then beginner at the anti-terrorist and permanence pole on weekends, is the one who had indicted on May 22, 2010, Chérif Kouachi and Amedy Coulibaly, two of the three authors of the attacks From January 2015, for a prison escape project in Smaïn Aït Ali Belkacem, a former Algerian GIA sentenced for the 1995 wave of attacks in France. “I felt like I saw them the day before, when they were dead,” she said.
the worst “arrived”
Before detailing the architecture of her investigation file, Nathalie Poux explained that she had interviewed Ali Riza Polat and seven times Amar Ramdani, the two men condemned to the heaviest troubles at first instance and judged today on appeal.
She also expressed her doubts and regrets, in particular concerning the role played by the religious mentor of Coulibaly and the Kouachi brothers, Djamel Beghal, a former GIA then Al-Qaida. She regrets not having been able to formally identify the shooter who seriously injured Romain D., a jugger from Fontenay-aux-Roses (Hauts-de-Seine), on January 7, 2015 in the evening, and expresses his certainty that in Montrouge, the next morning, before killing a municipal policewoman, Coulibaly intended to go to a Jewish school to kill children there: “I cannot say that we avoided the worst because he is Arrived … “
But it is above all the choice to disjoin the case of Peter Chérif, an alumni from the “Buttes-Chaumont sector”, arrested in December 2018 in Djibouti, a few weeks before the instruction and the program of the indictment order, which is debated. Should we stop everything to add to the file the man who probably made the link between the Kouachi brothers, whom he had known since the mid-2000s, and Al-Qaida in the Arabic Peninsula (AQPA), sponsor of the Charlie Hebdo attack? It was to delay the trial and further extend the deadlines for justice without the assurance of obtaining much more: “We could have taken more time, I am not sure that justice would have won there,” said -I.
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