Issue Wine 7.18 and Wine Staging 7.18

took place The experimental release of open implementation Winapi – Wine 7.18.18 . Since the release of version 7.17, 20 errors were closed and 252 changes were made.

The most important changes:

  • Tables of characters are updated to the UNICODE 15.0.0.
  • specification.

  • The MacOS driver implemented Wow64 support, layers for launching 32-bit programs in 64-bit Windows.
  • Removable problems with asynchronous reading in the implementation of support for Gstreamer.
  • Closed errors related to the work of games: Hotel Giant 2,
    GAZZZLERS COMBAT CARNAGE, Cube World, Resident Evil 7.
  • Closed errors related to applications: Visual C ++ 2015-2019, Filemaker Pro 12-19, MyDIFF, CLIP Studio Paint, Intel Acat, Adobe Framemaker 8, Bloomberg Terminal, DosBox, Keepasxcs >

You can additionally mention formation Project production release of the project wine staging 7.18 , within which expanded Wine assemblies are formed, including not fully ready or risky patches, so far unsuitable for adoption in The main branch of Wine. Compared to Wine, Wine Staging is provided with 514 additional patches .


In the new issue, synchronization with the code base Wine 7.18 was carried out. Four patches : one for WS2_32 (returning the correct value for WSAIOOTL) are transferred to the main composition of the Wine. and three for DWRITE (a test of non -existent font in IDWRITEXTFORMAT, the use of Mapcharaacters for invisible symbols). Updated patches Server-UniX_name and NTDLL-JUNCTION_POINTS.

/Media reports.