Elections in Italy: on beaches of Ostia as in polls, “La Meloni” holds rope

Italians elect their deputies and their senators on Sunday, September 25. On the eve of the ballot, Giorgia Meloni and her Radical right party Fratelli of Italia seem more than ever to the doors of power.


Often, spent the summer, the Romans go to the beaches of Ostia when the weather is good. Located at the end of the immense municipal territory of Rome, the small seaside city then offers a final impression of vacation, with its promenade and its restaurants for tourists.

But on this Saturday, September 24, the day before legislative and senatorial elections, the weather is not in mood. The coastline is almost deserted, the parasols are folded, the mattresses stored, the rescue canoe is pulled high on the strike. In the wind that blows in gusts, everything is drowned with gray: the sky, the sand, the waves of clay and even the morale of the Romans crossed here or there. Most will vote, often for Giorgia Meloni, the candidate of the post-fascist party Fratelli of Italia, but without much enthusiasm. As if, for them, all forms of political hope had flowed timely.

Marcella, 73, and her friend Graziella, 74, are installed at the bar of the Battistini seaside establishment, facing the sea. They do not want to give their surname, for fear of being spotted on the internet . Will they go on a bulletin in the ballot box? Disillusioned grimaces on both sides of the table. “None deserves our vote, advances Marcella, who has been watching her grandson from the corner of his eye. Since the time they make promises and have not been holding them …”

Graziella, who hesitated to speak, suddenly launches. “These foreigners who enter here as in a mill, then live in the hooks of the state, how do you want it to weigh on us?” Having been accountant all her life, she should be able to sleep on her two ears, with His house and 1,700 euros of monthly retirement. “But no: I crumble under the taxes, she complains, tightening her bright pink sweater around her shoulders. And all that for public services that absolutely do not follow. Look at the dirt from the streets, the trains that don’t ‘ Never arrive on time, failing health establishments. “Marcella Opine. “Meanwhile, we maintain people who do not work and who increase delinquency.”

“People want things to change”

Each has children and three grandchildren, which they help as they can. “Even for food, because everything increases,” they say. So, this vote? They pout. “Yes, perhaps, if it is not too raining.” We end up guessing that they will vote for sure and that the candidate of Fratelli d’Italia holds the rope, just like in the polls on a scale National – The party was credited with 25 % of voting intentions in the last surveys. “I feel her combative, advance Marcella. Maybe because she is a woman. And it’s important: people really want things to change.”

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/Media reports.