Belgium: an abduction project of Minister of Justice has been thwarted

The Belgian federal prosecution confirmed, on Saturday, according to the first elements of the investigation, that a “serious threat” had weighed on Vincent Van Quickenborne. Three suspects were arrested in the Netherlands.


The Belgian Minister of Justice, Vincent Van Quickenborne (Flemish Liberal), was placed under close surveillance and three suspects were arrested in the Netherlands, Hague and Leidschendam, on the night of Friday September 23 in Saturday 24. Various sources indicated, on Saturday, that an abduction project of the Minister had been thwarted. The Belgian federal prosecutor’s office did not confirm this information but specified that the first elements of the investigation entrusted to an investigating judge of West Flanders confirmed that a “serious threat” had weighed on Mr. Van Quickenborne.

The police had seen, Thursday evening, a vehicle with Dutch mineralogical plates around the villa occupied by the minister and his family, in the residential suburbs of the city of Courtrai, which Mr. Van Quickenborne is bourgmestre (mayor ).

The occupants managed to run away before they could be checked, but the next day the police found, according to the daily Het Laatste Nieuws, “at least a heavy weapon”, the adhesive tape and Essence in another car also registered in the Netherlands. This vehicle had been abandoned by fugitives and poorly parked in front of a house, a hundred meters from the minister’s home. 2>

constant increase in cocaine traffic

m. Van Quickenborne returned Thursday from New York. The three men arrested in the Netherlands, aged 20, 29 and 48 would not be the organizers, but the performers of a removal project developed by individuals related to drug trafficking. The Belgian Federal Prosecutor’s Office has claimed their extradition.

If this track is confirmed, the event would mark an escalation in violent incidents, often involving Dutch criminal groups, which have taken place for several weeks in Antwerp. The wearing of the city records a constant increase in cocaine traffic, which leads to lusts between rival bands. They engage in increasingly violent account settlements. A new incident took place in Merksem, a city district, on the night of Thursday to Friday: an explosion destroyed the hall of an apartments building.

“It must be clear: we will not let ourselves be intimidated”, reacted on Saturday, on Twitter, Prime Minister Alexander de Croo by learning the threat targeting his colleague. Mr. Van Quickenborne invited on Facebook to “not worry”. “I am safe and in good hands.” He added: “People who are behind this will get the opposite of what they are considering. This confirms me in my conviction that we must continue to fight.”

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/Media reports.