Elus and residents organized a demonstration on Saturday to denounce the nuisances and claim an evacuation of drug addicts. On this anniversary of their arrival, a collective filed an appeal before the administrative court against the town hall and the prefecture. An idea dominates: in the beautiful neighborhoods, that would not happen.
A banner was deployed on the grids of the town hall of Pantin during the week. “Camp de Crack Porte de la Villette: for 365 days, the Minister of the Interior [Gérarld Darmanin] is lying to us,” we can read there, with an electronic counter giving up the days.
It is in front of this banner that dozens of neighborhoods in the neighborhood, equipped with signs “treat them, protect us”, gathered on Saturday September 24, at the call of the 93 anti- Crack and mayor Bertrand Kern (Socialist Party, PS), for a walk against the installation of a Crack Consumer Camp in Square Forceval, near the Porte de la Villette, for a year.
joined by residents of Aubervilliers and 19
Two days earlier, in the same place, the three elected officials held a press conference to announce their decision to seize the rights defender, Claire Hédon. “Constitutional rights and freedoms are no longer assured by the State in this district in a situation unworthy of the French Republic”, alerted Bertrand Kern, encouraging all his fellow citizens injured to do the same.
” A real hell “
In the crowd this Saturday, all are desperate to celebrate this anniversary of inaction. On September 24, 2021, residents assisted powerless on the transfer of a hundred Crack consumers from the Eole Garden (18th arrondissement) to the Square Forceval. On September 28 in the National Assembly, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin said that the situation would only last “a few hours, a few days”.
Today, 150 people sleep in this camp and around 600 go there during the day. According to the prefecture, the place had the advantage, unlike the Eole Garden, of having no house with strictly immediate surroundings. “Today, 25,000 people live in the neighborhood, including Villette-Quatre Chemins, who live a real hell and who suffer,” is alarmed Bertrand Kern.
“We really have the impression of being sub-citizens, enrage Thibault Mahiet, the Villette Village collective, living there for twenty-eight years. They landed here because we are a popular immigrant district . We have the impression that it allows them to ransacked everything since it is a district where the authorities have never put a lot of money. “
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