If the measure is adopted as part of the social security budget, only the judgments prescribed by the attending physician will be reimbursed, announces Gabriel Attal. This will allow, according to the minister, “to prevent some people with online consultations until we find [the doctor] who will deliver their sick leave”.
Le Monde
The government plans to no longer reimburse the work stoppages issued in teleconsultation when they are not prescribed by the attending physician, announced the Minister responsible for public accounts, Gabriel Attal, in An interview with the Sunday Journal (JDD) of September 25.
“These judgments issued in Visio by a doctor who is not the attending physician will no longer be reimbursed by social security,” said the minister, lifting the veil on one of the measures of the social security budget project which will be made public on Monday.
m. Attal motivates this reimbursement by the need “to prevent some people with the online consultations until they find [the doctor] who will be willing to deliver their sick leave”. According to him, “we noticed an explosion of the sick leave given, in teleconsultation, by a professional who is not the attending physician” for an amount of “nearly 100 million euros last year”.
“Little suspense” on the use of 49.3
More generally in his interview with the JDD, Gabriel Attal insists on the fight against social fraud, a nod to the deputies Les Républicains (LR) whose vote could be precious during the examination of state budgets and from social security to parliament. The Minister promises to “strengthen the powers of cyberencuers of social security funds” who can “identify a professional who declares only a salaried activity but offers his services independent on Leboncoin without declaring them”.
“The fraudsters will no longer have a fine, but will also have to pay their case fees, because the French are fed up with paying for them,” added the minister. Regarding the pension reform, the decision of an amendment to the social security budget will be “decided by the president and the Prime Minister”, but Mr. Attal reiterated it: “We will make the reform, Our regime is in deficit. “
On forest protection, the minister says he heard the claims. In the JDD, he notably announces an exceptional help of one million euros to help the fight against Scholytes, insects responsible for the death of many trees. An amendment will also be presented in order to suspend positions of posts at the National Forest Office.
If the Minister underlines “useful exchanges” with oppositions before the presentation of the social security budget, he does not exclude the use of 49.3 to have the text adopted without a vote. “For reasons of principle, of political symbol, [oppositions] do not plan to vote the budget,” said Mr. Attal, adding that “political symbols had never filled the fridge”. Consequently, “it leaves little suspense on the outcome, since we have a relative majority” and that “France cannot do without having a budget,” says the former government spokesperson.