San Marina claims to undergo the backlash of the judgment of the Court of Cassation which forced, in June, the so -called non -essential traders, and who had to keep a closed door during the containment of spring 2020, to pay their rents.
Le Monde with AFP
The San Marina shoe brand, formerly owned by the Vivarte group, which had requested, Tuesday, its placement in receivership by the Marseille Commercial Court obtained satisfaction, Thursday, September 22. San Marina employs 680 people in 163 stores in France.
The request was examined Thursday morning in camera by the Marseille Commercial Court, the headquarters of the brand being in Gémenos, in the Bouches-du-Rhône. The receivership of the company is pronounced until March 22, 2023, announced France 3 Provence, information confirmed to the France-Presse agency by the lawyer of the company, M e Bernard Bouquet.
The commercial court was not reachable in the evening to confirm this information, one of the representatives of the CSE indicating for its part not being aware of the pronounced decision.
merchants “not essential “Forced to pay their rents
San Marina said Tuesday, undergoing the counterpouil of the judgment of the Court of Cassation which forced, in June, so -called non -essential traders, and who had to keep a closed door during the spring of 2020, to pay their rents.
The company, which had been sold in early 2020 by Vivarte to Stéphane Collaert, had already announced in the spring of 2022 a job safeguard plan (PSE) “relating to 152 stations out of 680” and “the adaptation of its store park “. At the time of entering negotiations with Vivarte, there was a question of 230 stores, the brand claimed 163 Tuesday.
The management, which informed Tuesday the social and economic committee (CSE) of the brand of this request for receivership, specifies that the PSE should be “temporarily suspended” during the observation period following the Judicial recovery.
At the beginning of August, another French ready-to-wear brand, Camaïeu, had requested its receivership by evoking “the consequences” of the judgment of the Court of Cassation.
The textile distribution sector, especially mid -range, has been suffering for years in France. The activity remains complicated this year in the context of concerns for purchasing power, which push many consumers to postpone their purchases of clothing, deemed less priority than the food or the equipment of children for example.