Eclipse introduced the platform Jakarta ee 10 . JAKARTA EE replaced Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition) after transmitting specifications development processes, TKK and the standard implementation of the non -profit organization Eclipse Foundation. The platform continued to develop under a new name since Oracle transferred only technologies and project management, but did not transfer the right to use the Java trademark to the Eclipse community.
The main innovations of Jakarta EE 10 are the inclusion of the possibilities for creating Java applications corresponding to the paradigm cloud native . A new Core profile offers a subset of Jakarta EE specifications for creating lightweight Java applications and microservices, as well as CDI-LITE, a cut version of the CDI component (CONTEXTS and DEPENDENENCY Injection). The specifications of more than 20 components of Jakarta EE, including CDI 4.0, Restful Web Services 3.1, Security 3.0, Servlet 6.0, Faces (JSF) 4.0, Json Binding (JSON-B) 3.0 and Persistance.