In a report published Wednesday, September 21, the World Health Organization alerts the major role in the prevention of these diseases caused by smoking, poor diet, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle and pollution.
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They are largely “invisible”, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, maternal, perinatal or nutrition, trauma, etc. These non-transmitted diseases are responsible for 74 % of global deaths. Every 2 seconds, a person under 70 dies because of one of them, a total of 17 million premature deaths each year.
Wednesday, September 21, the UN organization published a report on “the true magnitude of non -transmitted diseases and what to do to fight them”. This date owes nothing to chance: it coincides with the first meeting of the World Group of Heads of State and Government on these diseases, in the United Nations General Assembly, in New York. One way, for the UN, to alert on prevention issues.
“Since the late 1980s, non -transmitted diseases have become the leading cause of mortality worldwide”, recalls Philippe Amouyel, professor in public health at the University of Lille and the Lille University Hospital. However, this change has “largely gone unnoticed,” noted Bente Mikkelsen, director of the Department of WHOs who are not transmitted at a press conference on September 15.
of diseases “avoidable”
The engines of these diseases “are both social, environmental, commercial and genetic. Their presence is global and unfortunately growing, added this Norwegian expert. However, the national and international funding devoted to these diseases is minimal. C ‘is a tragedy because [they] are avoidable and manageable thanks to [prevention] programs and profitable policies “.
a large part of mortality could, in fact, be avoided by acting on four risk factors: tobacco, junk food, excessive alcohol consumption and sedentary lifestyle, to which should be added atmospheric pollution . “If each country adopted measures whose effectiveness is proven, at least 39 million deaths could be avoided by 2030 and countless lives would be longer, healthier and happier,” sums up the WHO.
Are these levers of action sufficiently activated? No, insists the WHO. In 2015, the United Nations had adopted a set of sustainable development objectives; One of them aimed, by 2030, a reduction of a third of premature mortality due to these diseases. “Unfortunately, and this is what motivated the publication of this report, only a handful of countries is about to achieve this objective, explained Leanne Riley, WHO technical manager for non -transmitted diseases and author of the Report. We must accelerate progress. (…) We know what works and we must promote the adoption of these measures. “
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