The postfascist candidate, president of Fratelli d’Italia, wants to register in continuity in Brussels, without denying her values.
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In less than a year, the first three economies of the European Union (EU) will have changed head of state or government. In December 2021, the Germans brought Olaf Scholz to the Chancellery in Berlin. In April, the French renewed Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée, and on September 25, it will be the turn of the Italians to elect the Parliament which will designate the successor of Mario Draghi. Between the war in Ukraine, the outbreak of energy prices and the recession that is announced, the Europeans would have gone well from the departure of the former central banker and this high -risk election, which opens up a new period of ‘uncertainties.
If Giorgia Meloni comes out of the election in a position to be the next president of the Italian council, as most of the polls predict, “it will be the first time that the extreme right will be at the head of a country Founder of the European Union “, the Liberal MEP (Renew) Sandro Gozi moves. “We have a war, an energy crisis, a global food crisis, an economic crisis that is coming. A postfascist at the head of the Italian government, it will be one more element in this telescoping of monstrous crises”, confides A senior European official.
This summer, within European institutions as in the capitals of the member states, the fall of the Draghi government and the start of the president of Fratellia d’Italia (postfascist), which was followed with the greatest attention of the Draghi government, which , allied with the League (extreme right), from Matteo Salvini, and to Forza Italia (right), by Silvio Berlusconi, could well obtain a clear majority on September 25. With a very simple question: should we prepare for incessant power reports which, sooner or later, will threaten the cohesion of the EU, or will it be possible to build a constructive collaboration with the future Italian government?
“antibruxellois but not anti-European”
A few days before the ballot, even if they do not exclude anything, it is the second scenario which appears to be the most likely. Giorgia Meloni, knowing herself in a favorite position, made a serious effort towards the business circles and international partners of Italy in order to reassure them. With regard to the Commission, she moderated her criticism and seems much less aggressive than Mr. Salvini. On Russia, she was more faithful to the government line than many supporters of Mr. Draghi, and she continues to give wages of Atlanticism. “It will be an anti-wheer government but not anti-European,” sums up Sébastien Maillard, director of the Jacques Delors Institute, who stresses that Euroscepticism no longer makes as much recipe in Italian opinion as a few years ago. Also on economic subjects, pragmatism should prevail, hope Europeans. From this point of view, “Italy of Meloni should not be very different from that of Draghi. It is favorable to a policy that supports the investment and modernizes the economy”, judges Sandro Gozi.
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