In France, the group should again pay a profits, after the resumption of its activity in refining.
He knew himself waited at the turn. Hearing by the deputies, Wednesday, September 21, on the sensitive subject of superprofits, Patrick Pouyanné, CEO of totalnergies, defended himself from having things “to hide”, while the exceptional profit garnered by the Major, in the second quarter (5.7 billion dollars, or around 5.8 billion euros), in the wake of the war in Ukraine, and the surge in the price of oil and gas, continues to be controversial.
In this context, he revealed that the multinational would pay 30 billion dollars this year in production taxes and taxes in the world. Almost double than 2021 ($ 16 billion) and five times more than in 2020 ($ 6 billion). He also indicated to expect to have a profit tax this year in France, given the profits expected in refining (around 600 million euros), not taxable in the past three years, because deficit.
For the time being, Totalenergies pays “a contribution (…) of the order of 1.6 billion to 1.9 billion euros per year in the French budget”, including around 1 billion social contributions and 600 million to 1 billion various taxes. An amount on which opposition deputies challenged him, taking into account his relative weakness compared to that of the foreigner. “In France, the activities we have are not rent activities [oil and gas], but refining”, a sector in which the group “lost money” in 2019-2020 and 2021, A detailed the CEO
“Rush of the French on stations”
This year, however, refineries, where between 80 % and 85 % of the capacities were used, have released exceptional surpluses. Enough to allow “finance the discounts” made on prices at the pump. According to the CEO, the rebates of 10 cents of euros in 1 liter of fuel sold, then 20 cents, since the beginning of September, have caused a “rush of the French on the stations”, with an increase of 30 % in volume of the Attendance from the same period of 2021. Even if he says “not win anything”, adding that these discounts have, for the time being, cost 171 million euros to his business.
Asked about a possible renewal of this measure in 2023, Patrick Pouyanné considered that the latter would be conditioned by the level of taxation of profits which will be decided at European level. In order to extinguish the current outbreak of energy prices, the European Commission wishes to claim “a contribution of solidarity” to producers and distributors of gas, coal and oil.
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