The political apathy of the Russians, long favored by the power, is put to the test by the announcements made by Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.
It is a simple chat of residents of a small town in the Moscow region – a few dozen people, mostly women, who are used to discussing WhatsApp messaging. Usually, we discuss everything and nothing, the state of the vegetable gardens, the nuisance caused by the stray dogs, the jams that we want to exchange, the price of the municipal services.
Especially no politics: question of good manners, in a Russia where the subject is confined, at best, to kitchens, and where public debate is a terrain perceived as not only dangerous, but also repugnant, gangrenous by the corruption and violence.
Barely a few minutes after the address to the Nation of Vladimir Putin, Wednesday, September 21, this elementary rule of prudence and politeness is forgotten. First, a simple link to an information site is published: “Vladimir Putin signed the Oukase decreeing the partial mobilization for Ukraine.” A woman launches, the first. With the only weapon an irony tinged with bitterness: “How does that, mobilization? While there is not even war! Either it is like with the pandemic, one day yes, one day, and and no? And We pay every day … “
The valves are open, a flood of emotions and worries brutally pours:
“You do not read the news? It was planned yesterday. Refusing mobilization is now a crime crime.
– I still prefer to make the jail, at least you have a chance to survive.
– Especially since they have just emptied prisons to send the prisoners to fight … “
” Stop spreading panic “
We say the poorly informed Russians; But the use of detainees, carefully hidden, is only a secret of a polichinelle. They are said to be apathetic; Up to a certain point, the one where they are not directly concerned, even threatened. This is all the political risk that the mobilization, even “partial”, underlined by Vladimir Putin.
“You know, I do not agree. Why our men should go and defend the houses and lands of those who abandoned them? Maris and sons, kids who have not yet seen the Life, will die because policies have decided.
– Defend against whom? Has anyone attacked us? Anyone threaten us? Let me laugh.
– laugh but it’s also our land, Ukraine! If we had been less weak eight years ago, we would have already destroyed this whole vermin.
– All this will last forever. With these people who govern us, those that we do not have the right to criticize …
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