The operating companies mentioned an increase of 8 % with the ministry. An artificially inflated figure in order to gain acceptance of a contractual revaluation around 5 %. The discussions are only just beginning.
Under pressure from the Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, the banks agreed to limit their prices to 2 % in 2023. The Minister for Transport, Clément Beaune, will -It as well with motorway companies?
From the end of July, he set the terminals of the discussion: “[it is] inconceivable that there is an increase [of the toll rate] in February [2023] from 7 % to 8 % “, He said, while recognizing that it was necessary to discuss it with the dealers,” whose investments are also subject to the weight of inflation “. This dialogue began the first week of September and will continue at the end of the month.
In their contracts, motorway companies have a clause that indexes their prices on inflation (excluding tobacco) recorded in October, up to 70 %. Complements must also be reached which depend on the additional funding requested by the State. Thus, for the bypass of Montpellier, ordered from Vinci Autoroutes in April (270 million euros in investment), the company was promised a price increase, which would be in 2023 0.264 % on the Southern Southern network of France.
Another example: to finance the toll project without barriers – known as “free flow” – on the A13 (that of Normandy), the rate price granted to the SAPN network is 0.22 %. To this will also be added, in 2023, the last deadline for the remediation of the 2015 prices freezing imposed by Ségolène Royal (+ 0.2 % on average, according to motorways).
What will be the total? It was not until mid-November to know the inflation rate of October, but motorway companies spoke with the ministry an increase up to 8 %. A surprising figure, because much above the result of the formula provided in the contracts, which would be closer to 5 % to 5.5 %.
No doubt it is a technique intended to make users admit a strong increase (closer to 5 % than 2 % of 2021), but all the same less important than that agitated at the start. The two parties hope to get out of winners: the operators, by obtaining a significant revaluation, and the ministry, by boasting of having defended the purchasing power.
Highway companies consider this increase essential, arguing that they are subject to inflation on work (whose prices are soaring more than 10 %) and their operating costs. “We are not at all in the situation of oil tankers, who benefit from the rise in courses without doing anything,” insists Pierre Coppey, president of Vinci Autoroutes.
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