“This is good news for the gas equation (…) but bad news for European industry,” said the president of Engie on Wednesday, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, while more and more ‘Companies are forced to reduce their production in the face of the rise in prices.
Le Monde with AFP
A figure that has something to worry despite appearances, according to the president of Engie. The consumption of large gas consumers in the industry sector has, in fact, dropped in recent weeks by 30 % in Europe and 15 % in France compared to last year, under the effect of the outbreak of Prize, announced Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, Wednesday September 21.
“Price increases have a very strong impact on manufacturers and we have unfortunately seen in Europe in Europe a significant reduction in the consumption of large gas-intensive industrialists”, noted the president of the first gas supplier in France, ex-GDF Suez, at the microphone of France Inter.
This reduction in consumption “is good news for the end-of-year gas equation, but bad news for European industry,” he continued. More and more companies, large and small, are, in fact, forced to temporarily reduce or stop their production, faced with the increase in energy and material prices. “Industrialists see a price signal which leads them to stop their factories, to move productions in other regions of the world”, was sorry Mr. Clamadieu.
of gas reserves filled at 96 % in France 2>
Questioned on possible gas shortages this winter, the latter, however, recalled the “major diversification efforts” made to fill in gas stocks. “We are much better prepared that we feared him three or four months ago,” he noted, evoking the case of France where the reserves are completed “at 95-96 %” and will be ” Maximum “in a few weeks, while those of the whole of the European Union are” almost “at 90 % of their capacity.
“One of the reasons that make you get there is that we have massively increased the arrivals of methanier boats, which transport liquefied natural gas (LNG)”, with now “30 or 40 boats per week “, against” 10 Moirmen in Europe a year ago “, detailed the president of Engie.
According to him, it will be necessary to manage “in a very attentive way these storage to avoid (…) the blow of the end of winter”. In particular, it recommends a “10 % drop in gas consumption” in France. “The essential subject is the reduction in the temperature [heating] of housing and tertiary buildings (…) One degree is 7 % savings on gas consumption in France,” said Mr. Clamadieu.
At the end of July, the European Commission presented a plan aimed at reducing 15 % of gas consumption between the 1 er 2022 and March 31, 2023 within the member states of the European Union.