Majority party becomes officially Renaissance and elects Stéphane stayed at his head

The ex-collaborator of the Head of State and President of the Renaissance MEP was the only candidate to take over from Stanislas Guerini, now Minister.

Le Monde

Unsurprisingly, the members of the presidential majority party ratified, Saturday, September 17, the new name of their training, Renaissance, and elected the European deputy Stéphane Séjourné to take the lead. The president of the Renaissance MEP was the only candidate to take over from Stanislas Guerini, now Minister.

The results of this vote of some 25,000 members, which spread over two days, were announced at the beginning of the evening, in the presence of the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne. Activists approved the new management at 83 %, 87 % the new statutes of the party and 96 % the corpus of the values ​​developed at the end “>

thought to welcome many parties, Renaissance has reduced, on arrival, to a merger between the Republic on the march and two satellites: the micropartis territories of progress, led by Minister Olivier Dussopt (work), and Act, led by Franck Riester (Relations with Parliament).

The two other training courses of the majority, the modem of François Bayrou and horizons of Edouard Philippe, are not part of Renaissance, even if they consider themselves allies of the majority. The ecological movement of the left wing of the majority, in common, embodied by the former Minister Barbara Pompili and by the former deputy Hugues Renson, did not want to be integrated either.

Basically, the structuring of the presidential party must help to specify the macronist line: turning the page of the Republic on the march, described internally as a simple resonance case of the presidential speech, Renaissance intends to organize the macronist thought around of a charter of ideological values ​​and reflections carried out by the tenant of Bercy, Bruno Le Maire, transfer of the Republicans.

/Media reports.