For several months, five close to the footballer, including his brother, all indicted, put pressure on him to pay them money. Before the investigators, they assured themselves victims of threats of other people.
Paul Pogba will never forget this evening of March 19, 2022. That day, on the sidelines of a gathering of the French team in Clairefontaine (Yvelines), the footballer has just spent several hours with a friend of ‘Childhood, Boubacar C., Cité de la Renardière, in Roissy-en-Brie (Seine-et-Marne), where he grew up. Around midnight, while he is about to return to his Parisian hotel, Paul Pogba is led by other friends in the neighborhood, Adama C. and the Roushdane and Machikour K. brothers, to an apartment in Chanteloup-en -Brie (Seine-et-Marne).
On site, the player is forced to turn off his phone, who is confiscated. Two hooded men, bearers and heavily armed vests arched. Put into play, Paul Pogba is summoned by Roushdane K. to pay 13 million euros, including 3 million in cash, for the protection that the two robbers would have ensured for years.
This is the story that the footballer delivered, on August 9, to investigators from the Central Office to Combat Organized Crime (OCLCO) responsible for the investigation – called “Penalty” – on the attempted extortion he was the victim.
Two months after the filing of his complaint in Italy, on July 16, five suspects, including his brother Mathias Pogba, were indicted on Saturday September 17, after several days of police custody, before be placed in pre -trial detention.
Mathias Pogba, 32, was indicted of “extortion in organized gang extortion” and “participation in an association of criminals for the preparation of a crime”. “We dispute this decision and everything will be done so that Mr. Pogba is released quickly,” said his lawyer, Yassine Bouzrou.
Four other suspects aged 27 to 36, close to the player, already known to the police for the most part, were indicted of “extortion with weapon in organized gang”, “arrest, kidnapping, Sequestration or arbitrary detention in an organized gang, to prepare or facilitate the commission of a crime or an offense, followed by a voluntary release before the 7 day “and” participation in an association of Maltering for the preparation of a crime “.
” They shouted: “Your mouth, lower their eyes” “
The quartet was in the famous apartment, the night of March 19 to 20. Three of them were invited to leave before the arrival of the robbers.
“I was afraid,” said Paul Pogba, telling the scene. “The two guys have rebuilt their weapons on me. So, being robbed in the threat, I told them that I was going to pay, he told the police. They shouted:” Your mouth, drop the Eyes “. (…) One of the two hoods spoke in Rushdane’s ear. When the hooded guys leave, Roushdane told me that I had to pay them, otherwise we were all in danger.”
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