This open letter is published on the occasion of the start of the annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, where a large number of political leaders but also representatives of civil society are found.
Le Monde with AFP
A person is currently hungry in the world every four seconds, more than two hundred non -governmental organizations (NGO) have denounced on Tuesday, who ask the world leaders gathered in New York to “act to stop the global crisis hunger “.
“Organizations from 75 countries have signed an open letter to express their indignation to the explosion in the number of people suffering from hunger and to make recommendations, while 345 million people in the world suffer from acute hunger , a number that has more than doubled since 2019 “, insist these 238 organizations in a press release.
” It is the injustice of all whole “
This open letter is published on the occasion of the beginning of The annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (UN) , where a large number of political leaders but also representatives of civil society meet for a week for what is Considered the most important diplomatic gathering in the world.
“It is unacceptable that with all agricultural technology (…) Today, we were still talking about famine in the twentieth e century”, indignant Mohanna Ahmed Ali Eljabaly Yemen Family Care Association, one of the signatories of the letter, and add:
“It is not a country or a continent and hunger never has only one cause. It is the injustice of all of humanity.”