Insurance companies must announce commitments to the most fragile audiences in the coming days.
Le Monde with AFP
Torn between growing claims and the drop in the purchasing power of their customers, French insurers promised, Tuesday, September 20, after a meeting with the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire , to contain the average increase in their prices at a level “below” of inflation for 2022 and 2023.
“I think we have reached the best possible agreement in a situation that is very tense for the insurance world,” said the mayor at a press conference, after A working meeting with managers of the insurance and mutuals sectors.
struggle for purchasing power
“We live an exceptional year in terms of climate claims”, with already 5.2 billion euros recorded for the period January-August against 3.5 billion euros per year on average since 2017, but ” We share the Minister’s ambition which is to help fight for purchasing power, “said Florence Lustman, President of France Insurers, the sector federation. Inflation reached 5.9 % over a year in August.
Concretely, insurers have committed to the inflation inflation index, calculated by INSEE, remains below the inflation index for 2022 and 2023, which does not Not excluding that certain contracts for certain customers increase faster, in particular “to take into account the behavior of each individual,” said the mayor.
The sector has also promised the delivery of an auto check of 100 euros for the unemployed under the age of 25. Other “individual commitments” on the part of the companies, intended for the most fragile audiences, should follow “in the coming days and weeks”, also said M me lustman.
Discussions to lead to the abolition of the green sticker in car insurance or to the greater use of re -use parts for repair, two levers identified to reduce costs for insurers, will also continue.