The social partners do not share the diagnosis, the method, the objective of the government, which opened a consultation at the start of the week.
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If the executive sought to resource the trade union organizations, he fulfilled his mission effectively. Monday, September 19, the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, opened consultation with the social partners about the pension reform. At the end of the meeting, employee organizations unanimously expressed their concern and their hostility in the face of a project that remains vague, in terms of content as well as the method, to pass it to Parliament.
The purpose of Monday’s appointment was “to discuss the conclusions of the report of the pension orientation council [Cor]”, made public four days earlier. This document shows that the pension schemes, taken in their entirety, returned to surpluses in 2021, but that they should plunge into red from 2023 and remain in deficit until the second half of the 2030s.
The agenda proposed by Mr. Dussopt was commented with perplexity, even irony, by union representatives, who responded to journalists on the sidewalk, in front of the entrance to the Ministry of Labor. “We were made a synthetic presentation of the COR report, which we all read and to which we had all reacted,” said Dominique Corona, deputy secretary general of the UNSA, wondering “what was the objective of this meeting “. “We are not sure why we came, very honestly,” added Cyril Chabanier, president of the CFTC. Michel Beaugas, Confederate Secretary of FO, for his part, had the impression that the Minister of Labor wanted to explain to his guests “how to read the ratio of the horn”. It was “retirement for dummies”, launched Catherine Perret, number two of the CGT, in the tone of mockery.
“There is no fire”
The discussions focused on the same battery of figures, but Mr. Dussopt and the employee organizations have learned from it very different. For the tenant of rue de Grenelle, the system is not balanced over time, its resources being insufficient to ensure all pension expenses. Consequently, it would be necessary to bring it back on the flotation line, by asking the assets to work longer, which will increase the contribution of contributions and will lighten the weight of pensions.
“We have a ministry which aims to blacken the financial perspective of the regimes (…) to legitimize a measure which would intervene quickly,” said Yvan Ricordeau, national secretary of the CFDT. “We felt that Olivier Dussopt broke up the elements of the government of the government (…) with the aim of rushing,” completed Benoît Teste, secretary general of the FSU. The two union officials refer to the declarations of Emmanuel Macron, on September 12, who replaced priorities the pension reform at the top, with a possible raising of the legal departure age or an increase in the duration of insurance for Touch a full -rate pension. From now on, the Head of State does not rule out the idea of introducing these changes into the social security financing bill for 2023, the examination of which begins in the National Assembly in the second week of October.
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