While the country faces considerable challenges, in particular the outbreak of energy prices and the recession, the national mourning period paralyzes part of the institutions.
Approach Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral, on Monday, September 19, criticisms amounted to the United Kingdom, concentrated on the impact of a period of paralyzing national mourning, while the country Facing considerable challenges, starting with the outbreak of energy prices and a recession that threatens.
Government activity, essentially, has ceased since September 9, the day after the death of the sovereign, and the Cabinet Truss will only resume the normal course of her work as the day following the funeral. This long break worries all the more since it comes after six weeks of primary to the Conservative Party, during which Boris Johnson, still Prime Minister, was content to manage current affairs when he was not on vacation.
Liz Truss, who did not arrive at Downing Street until September 6 and has not even finished appointing his entire government – he still lacks secretaries of state -, has chained the trips, to Edinburgh in Scotland, in Belfast in Northern Ireland and Cardiff in Wales, to attend masses in memory of the Queen. Everything is not, however, at total judgment in the alleys of power: on September 15, the government wrote in Brussels to claim an extension of the suspension of customs controls between Northern Ireland and Great Britain resulting from the Brexit. But, national mourning obliges, Downing Street did not communicate on this subject.
On the other hand, the details are lacking on the huge rescue plan (around 150 billion pounds sterling, 170 billion euros), presented on September 8 – the same day of the death of the Queen -, supposed to preserve, From the 1 October, millions of households and businesses from the astronomical flight of energy bills. Downing Street has promised that individuals will receive their help in time. But, in the case of companies, the aid mechanism could not be operational until November, revealed the Financial Times, in particular because it could require the adoption of application laws.
Now, sessions in the House of Commons should not resume until September 21 and interrupt again the next evening, the Parliament theoretically closing until October 17, because of the annual conferences of the political parties which Then hold. “Our country is in crisis. After the funeral, they [Liz Truss and the elected officials] should go back to work!”, Tonnée Piers Morgan, a star of the little British screen, on September 15, on Talktv.
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