The former Prime Minister assured that he would support a pension reform in October. He wants to continue the local structuring of his party before the senatorials of 2023, or even the Europeans of 2024.
The old stones of the municipal theater of Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne) offered a setting, Friday, September 16, at the first school year of Edouard Philippe since the creation of his Horizons party, there is less than one year. Micro at the pass, the former Prime Minister delivered a speech of more than an hour by walking the scene, a digital tablet in hand. “I wanted to give a varnish of modernity to this affair,” he subtitled by triggering laughter in the intimate room, where 200 mayors, two ministers and a dozen horizons parliamentarians attended the “one man show “. Like the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne.
On a blue background where his slogan shone, “see far to do well”, Edouard Philippe delivered a vision with a dark tone. To the demographic, geopolitical and ecological “dizziness” he had listed in Le Havre in October 2021, the war in Ukraine, the outbreak of energy prices and global financial uncertainty are added. “I had been treated as Cassandre, black cat,” said the man who predicted storms two years ago, while Emmanuel Macron now hammers that the country lives a “big rocking”.
In the name of “lucidity”, it has alarmed that democracy can be “swept” against Russia by Vladimir Putin: “If we do not help Ukraine, then we send the signal that everything is lost and we will never hold up. “Whatever it costs was” necessary “, he also alerted, but the budgetary situation” a little scary will explode in the nose one day “. If he called his supporters, in extremis, to “be wearers of hope”, it is with this message: “to get out of it, France needs a strategy.” And to see far.
“You will have to work more”
Philippism has its benchmarks: Europe, order and stability, decentralization. At Horizons, “we like long time and deeply rooted roots”, exalted Frédéric Valletoux, deputy of Seine-et-Marne and former mayor of Fontainebleau, while Edouard Philippe praised the continuity of the State inscribed in the walls of royal castles. “None of us is tempted by a flirt with the extreme right,” said Nathalie Loiseau, European deputy, before senator Claude Malhuret, blurned Jean-Luc Mélenchon, “the bolivar of the Canebière “to” the apprentice dictator’s hubris “, then Marine Le Pen as” the poodle of Putin “.
But the orientations listed by the mayor of Le Havre are taking place in those of the government, from energy policy to ecological transition, which requires “absolutely colossal sums”. “We will have to work more. Those who predict you the end of work, the right to laziness and who say environmentalists are public entertainment,” he said, very applauded. Discreet on the pension reform envisaged this fall, the ex-Prime Minister, who proposed postponing the starting age to 65, 66 or 67 years old, ended up promising, to Elisabeth Borne: “We will be Behind you to improve the pension system, which you choose to do so in October, in December, in March. When you want! “
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