implicated in a blackmail case against one of his assistants, the mayor refuses to resign and denounces a “machination”.
The sky darkens brutally on the town hall of Saint-Etienne. The wind picks up. The rain. Hail. Only a real storm lacked, after the politico-judicial storm. Nearly 200 people came to demonstrate, Wednesday, September 14, against a town hall in full turmoil. The day before, the city councilor, Gaël Perdriau, was placed a few hours in police custody by the judicial police (PJ) of Lyon. On the forecourt, the “partridge resignation” multiply.
“This is why?” Asks a passerby. The summary of the case is dragged out: Gilles Artigues, former first deputy mayor Les Républicains (LR) and Figure Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI) local, says he has been the victim for eight years of blackmail in intimate video organized By another assistant, Samy Kefi-Jérôme, and his companion at the time, Gilles Rossary-Lenglet. According to the latter’s confidences at Mediapart , who revealed the case, the operation would have been sponsored by the mayor Gaël Perdriau and his chief of staff, Pierre Gauttieri – which both deny. A camera would have been placed in a hotel room in Paris to film Gilles Artigues without his knowledge, while he was massaged by an escort boy.
The video, mounted, would then have been used to “muzzle” politically Gilles Artigues, with conservative positions and very involved in the Catholic community. Still according to the statements of Rossary-Lenglet, he and his then companion would have been remunerated via fictitious subsidies with two associations.
Justice has now taken hold of the scandal: the Lyon prosecution has opened a judicial information for “infringement of the privacy of privacy, aggravated blackmail, subtraction of public good by a person responsible for a public service , breach of confidence and concealment of these offenses “, after a complaint by Gilles Artigues. Five people – Perdriau, Gauttieri, Rossary -Lenglet, Kefi -Jérôme and the director of assistant cabinet – were placed in police custody on Tuesday, September 13. The next day followed those of the representatives of the two associations. Not to mention the searches: town hall, homes, associations of associations…
anger and disgust
Who, in Saint-Etienne, did not listen and listen to the recordings published by Mediapart Monday? We hear Gaël Perdriau saying he is ready to leak the video “sparingly” in “small circles” and speak of “execution”. Its chief of staff, Pierre Gauttieri, claims to be “without faith or law” and threatens to send the video to parents of students from the children of Gilles Artigues. “If the fact that I go in jail makes you fall because you pass for an old pedal on the return, I have no problem,” slams the voice of Pierre Gauttieri. To amazement and doubts in the face of the first revelations, at the end of August, succeeded anger and disgust.
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