Death of dancer Françoise Dupuy

Dancer and choreographer, she was an emblematic personality of the choreographic scene since the 1940s. She died on the night of September 14 to 15, at the age of 97.


What a trajectory! The dancer and choreographer Françoise Dupuy, an emblematic personality of the choreographic scene since the 1940s, also a pedagogue and passed by the post of inspector at the Ministry of Culture in the mid -1980s, illuminated the scene like behind the scenes. “It’s a dancing queen that goes out,” said Brigitte Lefèvre on Facebook, a former dance director at the Paris National Opera. A queen, but magically simple, whose presence was registered wherever it is with precision and determination.

This exceptional woman died in her sleep, at home, in Paris, on the night of September 14 to 15. Her husband and creation partner Dominique Dupuy was with her as he has always been. “We knew each other in dance for seventy-five years, we lived, worked and created for sixty and eleven years,” he says.

/Media reports.