LFI, PS and EELV call for a “march against dear life and climate inaction” on October 16, without PCF

Launched by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, this mobilization will bring together several leftist political organizations and associations. But the unions and the French Communist Party did not wish to take part in this common call.

Le Monde with AFP

They agreed for a common call for general mobilization, but without the French Communist Party (PCF) and the unions by their side. La France Insoumise (LFI), the Socialist Party (PS) and Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EELV), three of the four allies of the new Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nuts), as well as other political and associative organizations, have Called Friday September 16 in the holding of a “big walk against expensive life and climate inaction” on October 16 in Paris.

“This national initiative will be a continuation of the mobilizations initiated by unions and associations, including the national action days of September 22 and 29 and the climate mobilization of September 23”, said these organizations in a press release Common transmitted to the France-Presse agency.

“Macronist power refuses to increase wages”

The mobilization will bring together several parties and political movements external to the cloud, including Generation.s, the new anti -capitalist party (NPA), the democratic and social left (GDS) or the independent workers’ party (POI) or new Give.

“Prices explode and end of the month are more and more difficult. But the macronist power refuses to increase wages, freeze rents or block prices in the face of expensive life”, argue the signatories . They add: “Worse still, it provides for new attacks against the pension plan and unemployment insurance and organizes the destruction of public services, especially those of education and health.”

Furthermore, “the planet burns and water is missing”, “but the government, already condemned for environmental inaction, continues an anti -economic policy”, denounce the organizations. “This situation can no longer last,” they say.

distrust of unions and dissensions with the PCF

increase in wages, blocking of energy prices and basic necessities, superprofits tax, “massive” investment for “ecological bifurcation” or even retirement at 60: so many measures entered in the common program of the clip during the legislative elections of June, which will be part of the claims of the procession. The march will also be “preceded by symbolic initiatives on Saturday October 15”.

The unions had made it known earlier this week that they would not be part of this call, which had been launched this summer at the initiative of the leader of LFI and the conductor of the Nuts, Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The latter wanted to see them join their forces to this mobilization in the hope of seeing a new “popular front” constitute, but the past relations between LFI and the unions have not always been in good shape and fuel a certain distrust.

The PCF had, for its part, stressed wanting to leave the unions to mobilize the street as part of the strikes scheduled for September 22 and 29. The organizers of the march are however hopeful to see their ranks grow by October 16 and to make their partner change their minds.

However, in recent weeks, fundamental dissensions have revived between the allies of the Nutps and several communist elected officials, especially around the debate on the work value launched by their leader, Fabien Roussel.

/Media reports.