The company delegate for Green Marine Public Service is criticized for closing around thirty establishments and nautical centers on September 5. Local authorities denounce the unilateral decision of a company renowned for its brutality.
“Hosting”, “irresponsible”, “disrespectful” … The words are lively, the anger too. Since the closure of around thirty public swimming pools by the delegate of Green Marine Public Service, on September 5, due to the surge in energy prices, elected officials cry for blackmail. In Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne), the calendar of this unilateral decision questions. “We had planned for a meeting on September 9 to discuss the energy bill of the pools with navy green, details Mayor Brigitte Barèges. Before the summer, we even decided to connect the swimming pool to the city’s heat network to allow a saving of more than 500,000 euros over eighteen months. “
On September 2, the city councilor learned the closure of its pool the following Monday. Bernard Morilleau, mayor of Sainte-Pazanne (Loire-Atlantique), says he was not warned of the judgment of his aquatic center. Marine green, who did not wish to respond to our requests, assumes the brutality of the method. Its managing director, Jean-Pascal Gleizes, affirms, in the gazette of the municipalities , on September 8, that the annual energy bill of his company went from” 15 million to 100 million euros (…). If we continued like that, we did not end the year, “he said. Fabien Doucet, vice-president of Limoges Métropole, finds the figures exaggerated: “They want to justify their position, but they are the only delegates to have acted in this way.” Since then, four swimming pools have been reopened.
Structurally deficit equipment
With ninety establishments in France and Luxembourg, especially aquatic centers but also skating rinks, a turnover of more than 100 million euros and two thousand employees, Green Marine is the number one delegated management of public swimming pools. His story is that of Thierry Chaix and Jean Pascal Gleizes, two comrades who met in a sport and studies section, in Gap. After their schooling, both turn to professional hockey quarries.
In the 1980s, Thierry Chaix was one of the best players of the Dragons in Rouen, a club of which he is now the president, Jean-Pascal Gleizes, he launched into entrepreneurship. Their paths recrocered in 1992, in a France which discovers the first aquatic centers and the drop in public spending.
Thanks to Vert Marine, the two men offer municipalities to manage their swimming pools, structurally in deficit equipment due to lower entry rates with real costs, in exchange for annual compensation and an innovative commercial offer. The model takes. Today, the registered office of Vert Marine, which has around sixty municipalities among its customers, is located in a castle in Mont-Saint-Aignan (Seine-Maritime).
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