The public operator has launched a new tool to help employers and communities better understand the dynamics in work at the local level.
The day after the launch by the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, of a mission of “prefiguration” with a view to the transformation of Pôle Emploi into France Work by 2024, the public operator presented, Tuesday 13 September, a new source of data accessible online and intended for local players.
“Decrypt to decide”: it is on this slogan, hammered with conviction by the assistant to the director of studies of Pôle Emploi, Hélène Caillol, that the public operator bet to support the launch of his new platform, data employment .
Through this tool, Pôle Emploi wished to address decision -makers by setting up a data aggregator, which details the changes in the job market at the local level.
“of information Immediately accessible “
This project “does not necessarily be part of the implementation of the future France Work Agency”, specifies Stéphane Ducatez, deputy managing director in charge of the network. He was born in response to the request of local players, who did not always find specific information on the job market at the level of their territory: “We have very rich data, but so far we Distributed by information structure, “explains Mr. Ducatez.
by aggregating data from Pôle Emploi and other official sources, such as the Directorate of Research, Studies and Statistics (DARES) of the Ministry of Labor or INSEE, the new platform aims to offer decision -makers “immediately accessible information” via “simple indicators”.
This tool is aimed at both a local elected representative wishing to establish a strategic employment state in his department, as well as a territorial official who wishes to have arguments to convince a company to set up In the region.
Open to all, the platform, gives access to the retail of the skills, professions and sectors of activity in the chosen territory. The tool makes it possible to “analyze the profile of job seekers”, to “determine if the business sector is carrying for the territory” or even to know “which sector of activity is the most”, Affairs Stéphane Ducatez. The site will be updated quarterly.
Through this system, the public operator is refining its offer of services to employment market players. Recurring criticisms of the reliability of the announcements published on the Pôle Emploi site, the deputy director general in charge of the network retorts that “according to an independent firm, 95 % of the announcements published on the Pôle Emploi website are in accordance” at the legal framework.
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