On social networks, health professionals and patients criticize the platform for allowing its users for making an appointment with naturopaths.
Le Monde With AFP
The order of doctors wishes to avoid “confusion” between health professionals and disciplines without medical foundation. The institution asked, Tuesday, August 23, in a /A>, in Doctolib, at the heart of a controversy because it references naturopaths, “to strengthen its ethical rules to register on its platform”.
On social networks, health professionals and patients criticize the group for allowing its users for making an appointment with naturopaths, some of whom have dangerous practices, close to charlatanism and sectarian drifts.
Critics of Doctolib have notably targeted naturopaths claiming to be Thierry Casasnovas and Irene Grosjean, two influential personalities in the naturopathic environment but with discredited positions in the health world.
The platform-which references doctors, midwives, dentists, nurses, etc. (regulated health professions), psychologists and osteopaths (holders of a diploma recognized by the State) – also makes it possible to make an appointment with sophrologists, hypnotherapists, naturopaths, from professions to without regulations , but legal. They represent 3 % of registrants on the platform.
seventeen suspended profiles
The Doctolib group, French heavyweight of the medical appointment, suspended seventeen profiles on Monday and announced to initiate “background work”, including in particular “a consultation with orders, unions of professionals of professionals health, the authorities, the Miviludes [interministerial mission of vigilance and the fight against sectarian aberrations] and civil society “.
He is joined on this point by order, which considers “that an in -depth discussion must open between Doctolib, health authorities and professional orders to better define the framework in which professionals can be identified on The platform “.
doctolib said on Tuesday on window Twitter , also appeal “to the public authorities to regulate these practices in order to best protect users”.
The president of the first union of liberal doctors (CSMF), Franck Devulder, went further, by asking “the State to clarify the practices of certain professionals who sometimes fall under charlatanism” and to the Minister of Health ” to regulate access to alternative medicines and to prohibit any advertising “.
Medicine “must be exercised within a care path of which the pilot is the general practitioner. The use of alternative therapies can be envisaged but within the framework of this course and with the rigor necessary for care of Quality “, he added in a press release broadcast Tuesday.