The 31 -year -old man was found guilty of “threat of crime against people, materialized in writing, image or other object”. His sentence was slightly aggravated on appeal, the defendant “not” questioned his behavior “.
Le Monde
The sentence was slightly aggravated on appeal. A man who had harassed journalist Nadia Daam on the Internet after a column that had displeased her was sentenced on Wednesday August 24, to five months suspended prison sentence of three years, accompanied by an obligation of psychological care. He will also have to pay 4,000 euros in damages to the journalist for moral damage.
In 2019, the man, then student in philosophy and education assistant, had been sentenced at first instance by the Rennes Criminal Court to five months in prison sentence and 2,500 euros for moral damage.
Judged for “threat of crime against people materialized in writing, image or other object”, the 31 -year -old had been released for death threat but found guilty of threat of crime (rape) to the daughter of the victim.
“disturbing” personality
In a message posted on the Blabla 18/25 forum of the site, the man had written, among others, that he “would like [t] kissing his corpse while his guy looks.” The text included also threats of rape of the journalist’s daughter.
At the origin of these remarks, a chronicle of journalist Nadia Daam on Europe 1 which called the sulphurous forum “non -recyclable internet waste bin”. A virulent campaign on the forum had been launched against two feminist activists, Clara Gonzales and Elliot Lepers, forcing them to deactivate the “anti -ruslou” telephone line they had created to discourage harassment authors.
This chronicle “triggered a strong emotion. I felt attacked and subject to a class hatred that I found unacceptable instantly,” explained the culprit at the helm at first instance. The defendant “did not question his behavior”, which he assimilates “to a right of response,” said the court of appeal on Wednesday; His “disturbing” personality, added to the gravity of the facts, motivated the trouble.
“I no longer work the same”
This decision was expected “obviously too long”, according to Maître Eric Morain, the journalist’s lawyer, who said her “satisfaction to see the accused forced to treat himself and compensate” his client.
Nadia Daam, who is now working on Arte, had told the audience that “everything had changed” after these online attacks. She had been forced to move and change her college daughter. “I received hundreds of messages, death threats, photomontages making me slaughter or rape, with the name and identity of my daughter,” she said.
“I no longer work the same, it took a part of my freedom,” she said. Mr. Vidal’s lawyer, Maître Frédéric Berrien, said “not fundamentally excluding an appeal in cassation”.