Argentina: Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner uses her trial for corruption to relaunch himself

A sentence of twelve years in prison was required against the country’s vice-president, who considers himself the victim of a political persecution.


of the Senate balcony, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, current vice-president (left) and ex-State-chef (2007-2015), exulted and sang the peronist march, the anthem of her political family, accompanied By his supporters, Tuesday, August 23. The scene, with the appearance of a campaign meeting, nevertheless comes at a time in principle difficult for the leader, also president of the Senate: twelve years in prison with the life ban to exercise a public job have been required against her, Monday August 22, in Buenos Aires.

In this trial, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, 69, is tried for illicit association and aggravated fraudulent management, as part of the award of public contracts in the province of Santa Cruz (South), her political fief, between 2003 and 2015. A procedure in which twelve other people are accused. Open in 2019 but upset by the COVVI-19 pandemic, it is added to the multiple cases in which the vice-president is questioned. Two of them led to non-places in 2021.

In his indictment on Monday, prosecutor Diego Luciani denounced “an authentic system of institutional corruption”. In a tone carried away, he launched: “Our company fed up, fed up with the corruption of its leaders!”, Wishing to give “this serious affair” the value of a marker in the political life of the country. She “must represent a turning point in corruption in public administration,” he insisted. The word must now be given to the defense, with a judgment which could be rendered at the end of 2022.

contrasting reactions

The vice-president, who castigated a “lack of evidence” on Twitter, has already orchestrated her media defense during a speech held in her Senate office and broadcast by the country’s media, suspended in the courtyard of the case. For an hour and a half on Tuesday, she sought to prove her innocence, by exhibiting various documents – legal acts, decree, press titles – sweeping, according to her, “fiction” on which the public prosecutor is based. “A scenario which, in addition to being quite bad, is false,” she added.

Above all, she again denounced the political persecution of which she considers herself a victim, her central argument, over the various procedures concerning her: “It is not a trial against me, it is a trial of peronism , national and popular governments. “” It is twelve years [imprisonment required] for the twelve years of the best government that Argentina had in recent decades, “she said, referring to the presidential mandate of her husband Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007) and his own. “They don’t have them after me, they have it after you!” She said.

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/Media reports.