Passing abroad as the gray eminence of Russian power, the ultra -conservative ideologist Alexandre Douguine only receives today to the recognition of the Kremlin. It has been advocating for three decades the invasion of Ukraine.
This man is the image of Epinal of the Russian thinker with tragic fate. His high forehead overlooks a long frozen face in a serious and ending expression, as it should be, by a white beard. A touch of Alexandre Soljenitsyne and a ladle of Fiodor Dostoevski for appearance.
The political journey of the self -proclaimed philosopher Alexandre Douguine is less homogeneous. At 60, he is now at the height of his career. The assassination of his daughter Daria in the explosion of her 4 × 4 Land Cruiser Prado, Saturday August 20, earned him late recognition. Vladimir Putin, with whom he had been claiming, for years, maintaining a “mystical connection”, for the first time said Tuesday, publicly, his family name. By condemning the “odious and cruel” attack on Daria Douguine, to whom he posthumously awarded the medal of the order of courage.
The tragic episode takes out this radical ideologist from a curious situation. Vaguely embarrassing for the Russian political elite, which preferred to ignore it, he said, on the contrary, exerting an occult influence on power. Observing the Kremlin follow the trajectory it has advocated for thirty years, namely the territorial expansion and the rejection of the West, Alexandre Douguine claims that his ideas “ have triumphed. All “. The son of a Soviet military intelligence manager, the thinker has been advising advisor for years a member of the limited circle of Putin, whom he does not name, and he assures that the army would use a geopolitical manual of which he is the author.
But what about in reality? Alexandre Douguine never held an official post. Appointed, in 2014, director of the Department of Sociology of International Relations of the prestigious State University of Moscow, he was dismissed after a few months, following statements encouraging the murder of the Ukrainians. This suggests the absence of support at the top of the executive. 2>
civilizational rivalry
Alexandre Douguine has long struggled to join the political seraglio, due to the seal of the radicality which he was marked. Adopting, from the 1990s, a Slavophile posture hostile to the West, he developed a current of “Neo-Eurasian” thought, in contrast to the desire for integration then displayed by the Kremlin. His Eurasism borrows a lot from the theory of the British Halford John Mackinder (founding father of geopolitics), who opposes the maritime (“thalassocracy”) and continental (“Tellurocracy”) powers. The ideologist adds a dimension of civilizational rivalry, by affirming the superiority of Eurasia (of which Russia constitutes the heart), on the Anglo-Saxon whole. The learned and essentialist jargon above all makes it possible to bring up to date the old Russian imperialist project aimed at the domination of the entire Eurasian continent, by military means, if necessary. Starting of course with Ukraine, culturally and politically the closest. In this sense, Alexandre Douguine actually preceded the chief of the Kremlin of two decades.
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