Distribution release Tails 5.4

formed the release of a specialized distribution Tails 5.4 (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), based on the DEBIAN package base and designed for anonymous exit to the network. An anonymous exit to Tails is provided by the Tor system. All connections, except traffic via the Tor network, are blocked by default by a package filter. For storage of user data in the mode of conservation of user data between the launches, encryption is used. To download, prepared by ISO-image , capable of working in Live mode, 1 GB.

The new version made changes to strengthen the protection of the Linux nucleus: included the randomization mode of the list of the list free pages of memory (page_alloc.shuffle = 1); disconnected Automation tty line discipline (Dev.tty.ldisc_autoload = 0); disconnected Slub_debug = p and page_poison = 1 in favor more effective more effective memory purification mode init_on_free = 1.

In the Unsafe Browser, used to contact resources in the local network, the HTTPS-OLY mode is disabled since the forced exhibition on HTTPS made it difficult to connect to some wireless networks using HTTP to access the Captive portal. Updated versions of Tor Browser 11.5.2 (the release has not yet been officially announced), Tor and Linux nucleus 5.10.136.

/Media reports.