“Pub girls” (6/7). They conquered the “weak sex” thanks to their deo or their smooth skin. They were not made to hold a household. This model of virility has lived. The turn of the “new fathers” to enter the scene.
You will be virile, my kid. In Scum Manifesto, Pamphlet writes in 1967 by the New York Valerie Solanas, it is written: “A man is able to cross a shitty ocean to find a vagina.” in a 2012 pub, a shower gel (axis) even capable, to achieve this goal , to be atomized. Literally.
Decor: the beach. He is 20 years old, rather puny, without a hair on the chest, like geek. He is surrounded by rather pretty young girls, without a hair of cellulite, like a model. The “hero” of this spot leaves washing in the public shower. And there, the young ladies all rush in its direction. Miracle of foaming soap? No. They run away, because a kind of comet is headed straight on the beach. Until we discover that the meteorite is itself made up of women in a jersey, by the enthusiastic smell, rushing out stretched on the soapy gringalet. Our young man kneels on the sand, his eyes raised in the sky, waiting for Bikinis’s rain to fall on him.