Two investigations were opened after this incident: the first for “refusal to comply aggravated” and “violence with weapons on agents of the public force”, the second for “violence with weapons by depositaries of public authority “.
Le Monde with AFP
A man is dead and another is in a state of brain death, after being affected by police fire, on the night of Thursday August 19, August 19, announced the prosecution, which opened an investigation for ” Refusal to comply aggravated “. The two police officers who used their respective weapons were placed in police custody and are currently heard by the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), the “police police”.
Shortly after midnight, in Vénissieux, a town located in the Metropolis of Lyon, “four night patrol police officers spotted a vehicle parked in the crossroads” of the city and “pointed out”, specified the prosecution .
While the police were preparing to control it, the vehicle driver triggered the reverse then the front step, hitting a police officer. The latter was projected on the hood of the vehicle, which continued its progress. Two police officials, including the one positioned on the hood, then used their weapon several times. The vehicle has finished its race a hundred meters further, added the parquet.
The police discovered in the interior of the vehicle two very seriously injured men and provided them with first aid.
The firefighters, present quickly on the spot, noted the death of the passenger, while the driver was transported to the hospital in a state of “absolute emergency”, according to the prosecution. He is currently in brain death, according to a police source. The steeped police officer, slightly injured in the legs, was also oriented towards the hospital.
Two surveys were opened, the prosecution announced. The first, entrusted to the departmental security, concerns the “concealment of theft”, the “refusal to comply aggravated” and the “violence with weapons on agents of the public force”. The second, for “violence with weapons by persons posted by the public authority having led to death without intention to give it”, was entrusted to IGPN.