Three days after the drama of which Abdul Quayyem Ahmadzai, 27 years old, were the diverge and the police are still looking for the shooter. The mayor of the city fears the rise in tensions.
Abdul Quayyem Ahmadzai was 27 years old and lived in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin). He had been working for four months at PSA Peugeot. This young Afghan arrived in France in 2016 and had obtained the status of political refugee. According to his cousin Yusuf, he had started the steps to bring his wife and four children, who remained in Afghanistan. It is finally he who will return there, in a shroud, to be buried there. Abdul Quayyem Ahmadzai was killed by firearm, Sunday August 14, around noon, in Colmar.
Three days later, Wednesday August 17, a dozen young Afghan refugees sit in front of building 1, rue de Berlin, at the very place where some of them were on Sunday when Abdul Quayyem Ahmadzai was Mortally touched by a bullet, while the group was about to have a good time. The ace. Yusuf had to call Abdul’s mother and wife who live in Logar province, near Kabul, to tell them the terrible news. Abdul died on the night of Sunday August 14 to Monday August 15, at the Pasteur hospital in Colmar. Since then, his photo, surrounded by flowers and candles, has been placed on the ground in front of the building where it was killed.
How did we get to this drama that occurred in this Europe district, a district deemed sensitive, although rather peaceful? We first talked about Rodeo. A scenario dismissed twenty-four hours later, even if a young person in scooters, according to witnesses, would have groaned his machine in front of the building.
With its few tables installed outside, the bakery-grocery store located at the foot of this building is a meeting point. Abdul, going to get a drink, was there with two friends, telephone. He would have asked the young person to stop making noise. Afterwards, the stories diverge. There have been insults – sexist insults, “nique your mother”. The violence followed, a chair and a sworn bottle, blows carried. The cousin Yusuf says that a friend of the scooterist had released a weapon, but that the other would have said to him: “Not there, there is a camera.”
Abdul would have called the police. “He doesn’t speak French well so he gave me the phone, reports Yusuf. I told them that a guy had a pistol, that it was very, very dangerous, that I had to come quickly. They said: “We come.” They arrived thirty minutes after … “
” Mix of pride and anger “
The young people left, leaving two-wheelers on site. “Afterwards, the Afghans destroyed the scooter with kicks,” says a resident of the building, who says he followed the scene from his window. “A kick, in the rear view mirror …”, minimizes Yusuf. A group returns – at its head, the scooter pilot and his friend – then stops at a crossroads a few tens of meters. Words are still exchanged. A boy takes out a pistol, which he points to refugees. “The Afghans said:” Go ahead, shoot, shoot! “Because we would never have imagined that it was a real revolver, with real balls, here in France!”, Specifies Yusuf. It is still not up to having seen the shooter leave quietly, walking, when he knew that the police had been warned.
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