“Real Humans”, season 2, on Arte: when robots claim their human rights

Its creator, Lars Lundström, has made this second season more complex in the story and more political in his approach, around the notion of living together.


After a remarkable first season, broadcast in 2013 on Arte (1.3 million viewers), the “Hubots” (contraction of Human Robots) of the Swedish series Real Humans made their comeback in a second season of ten Episodes broadcast in 2014.

This new opus always takes place in a small Swedish town resembling any European metropolis. Humans continue to cohabit with robots – and exploit this new rechargeable and programmable proletariat with a USB key. The “hubots” integrate better and better into society despite a computer virus which transforms them into dangerous and uncontrollable machines. To the point that certain humanoid robots, which are looking for a code allowing them to free themselves from their machine condition, envisage a future without human domination and begin to claim equal rights with humans …

This request to live together is at the center of this season that its creator, Lars Lundström, made more complex in the story and more political in his approach. Faced with 100 % human groups looking to break the robot – the Battle Land hub is a “hubot” hunting game with real bullets -, Bea, “Hobote Libre” reactivated after several months in the watch state, In search of the code which would free up its fellow men.

Behind this fight, the screenwriter has slipped, in the form of metaphors, all the themes that shake European nations: discrimination, the relationship to work, class difference, gender equality, the place of minorities or sexual freedom.

thriller and fantastic

Freed from the dogmas of science fiction which he does not claim for this series, Lars Lundström directs his story towards the thriller and the fantastic. Little by little, the robot escapes its creator and, beyond the narrative adventures, the screenwriter begins a reflection on the human being.

“Real Humans is the most relevant social criticism in the world of series, far ahead of those of the Americans”, says journalist Nils Ahl, author with Benjamin Fau with a television series dictionary (Philippe Rey, 2011).

During its launch in 2012, Real Humans had not experienced a very good audience in Sweden. On the other hand, European televisions rushed over this series that the British adapted in their own way with an artistic right for Lars Lundström. Arte had bought the series by just reading the Pitch: according to Vincent Meslet, then editorial director of the channel (now managing director of Newen France), “with Borgen or thus they are, Real Humans is a series that corresponds exactly to Our editorial line, because it poses questions about the future, sciences, the future of man, and rejuvenates our audience. “

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/Media reports.