It is because their value is relatively low currently that some cryptocurrencies, bitcoins in mind, are interesting to buy.
Bitcoin reached Saturday July 30, 24,658 dollars (around 24,034 euros), its highest level since June 13. Its gain of 27 % in July has made the best month since October 2021. Another cryptocurrency, Ethereum has recorded a jump of 70 % last month, its best since January 2021.
Bitcoin had passed below 20,000 dollars at the end of June and in July, due to the concerns aroused by rate increases and inflation, as well as internal problems to cryptocurrencies, like the ‘Implosion of the Terra/Luna ecosystem and the Three Arrows Capital Hell Fund.
However, the record of $ 69,000 recorded by Bitcoin in November 2021 is still far away. This fragility is not an isolated phenomenon: all digital currencies have recorded the same route in recent months. “Cryptocurrencies have been correlated for six months to American technological values, also in sharp decline,” explains Vincent Boy, market analyst at Ig.
a capitalization of $ 400 billion 2>
The NASDAQ index has lost 20 % since the beginning of the year in a context of rise in interest rates to the United States, inflation and fears of recession. “The current level constitutes a good entry point on bitcoin for long-term investors,” says Warren Aoummeur, account manager specialist in cryptoactive investments at Coinhouse.
With a capitalization of $ 400 billion, Bitcoin alone weighs as much as the following twenty main cryptocurrencies. “Bitcoin has the potential to become a global monetary stallion. It is, for us, the one and only interesting investment in the world of cryptoactives,” says Jonathan Herscovici, the founder of Stackinsat, who offers a plan of Programmed investment in bitcoins.
Bitcoin is also the least volatile “cryptos”, because it is based on solid technology and widely adopted worldwide. “He will be the first to bounce back because, unlike some other assets, he has a real economic function. It is both the best asset to start and the reference value for those who diversify on several cryptos,” notes Vincent Boy .
stablecoins to wait
Other essential assets of this universe, the “stablecoins” (literally “stable coins”) are indexed to the course of the dollar or the euro. Concretely, this means that a Tether, a USD Coin or a Binance USD is constantly worth between 0.9995 and 1,0005 dollars (around 0.94 euros).
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