Preacher of North Hassan Iquioussen in process of expulsion to Morocco

A ministerial decree that “Le Monde” was able to consult was taken because in particular “acts of explicit and deliberate provocation to discrimination, hatred or violence against a group of people”. His lawyer, who has submitted a summary proceedings, calls for respect for the law.


Hassan Iquioussen, the preacher of the north of France very followed on social networks, can at any time be arrested and expelled to Morocco. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced it on July 28. Tuesday, August 2, he hinted, in the National Assembly, that the case would be quickly settled: Hassan Iquioussen is now registered in the file of sought after and Morocco has already delivered a consular pass for, In the words of the minister, “expeling him from the militari” from France. Unless the summary proceedings that his lawyer, M e Lucie Simon, announces that he had deposited Tuesday evening before the administrative court of Paris, led before. “The right to effective appeal is guaranteed by the Constitution, the expulsion of Mr. Iquioussen could not take place before a impartial judge decides on his legality,” warns the lawyer on Twitter, even if his appeal is not suspensive.

Hassan Iquioussen, 58, born in France but of Moroccan nationality, is the subject of a ministerial decree of expulsion (AME) taken because “acts of explicit and deliberate provocation to discrimination, to the hatred or violence against a group of people “. In question, in particular: “a proselyte speech (…) carrying a vision of Islam contrary to the values ​​of the French Republic”, “a discourse with a particularly virulent anti -Semitic content”, advocating the “submission of women for the benefit of men “, encouraging” separatism “and” contempt “of secularism, lists the soul that Le Monde was able to consult.

/Media reports.