By wanting to deprive beneficiaries of social minima

An amendment to the amending finance bill, voted at the Luxembourg Palace, replaces the exceptional back -to -school bonus with an increase in the activity bonus, which only concerns modest workers.

Le Monde with AFP

The amending finance bill (PLFR) continues its restless career in Parliament. The left and the associative actors reacted strongly on Wednesday August 3, to an amendment to this text voted by the Senate at first reading the previous night. It aims to replace the exceptional back -to -school bonus, reserved for beneficiaries of social minima, by an increase in the activity bonus, which only concerns modest workers.

The exceptional back -to -school bonus, in the amount of 100 euros, had to contact people in precarious situations who affect minima such as RSA, allocation to disabled adults (AAH) or specific allowance To the elderly (ASPA), according to the initial government project. But the Senate, where the right has the majority, voted for this emergency aid to be replaced by an increase of 150 euros in the activity bonus, which is aimed only at workers with modest resources. The AAH beneficiaries will however be entitled to it.

For the general rapporteur of the budget, Jean-François Husson (Les Républicains, LR), at the origin of the amendment, “we must give a signal” to poor or modest workers, who “often miss” Aids. The Minister Delegate Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, gave an unfavorable opinion to this amendment, which according to him “would amount to withdrawing the benefit of aid at 4 million poor households”.

“You take advantage of the night to allow you to type once again on the poorest”, accused the environmentalist Thomas Dossus, the socialist Rémi Fératigating a “very ideological amendment”. “These are the children you are going to penalize,” said his comrade Jean-Claude Tissot.

“There had already been an amendment carried by LR to reduce the increase in the RSA (…). The Republicans have embarked on a kind of hunting for the poor who is unworthy,” denounced the environmental deputy Sandrine Rousseau at the Micro de France Inter, adding: “Most people who are at the RSA undergo this situation. This idea that it would be felt people who do not want to go to work, it is an idea of ​​the right, it is a liberal idea , and it’s very different from reality. “

” it’s dangerous “

Pascal Brice, the president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors who brings together hundreds of associations specializing in the fight against exclusion, sees in this decision of the Senate “a way of opposing” modest workers and those who do not work. “It is dangerous, he said to the France-Presse agency. We must both deal with the difficulties of the middle class and support people in poverty.” -format = “inread” aria-hidden = “true”>

The amendment was adopted by the LR and centrist groups, with the exception of a handful of them. “For me it’s no,” said senator Elisabeth Doineau (centrist union), “hostile” to a measure which “excludes in particular women with children”.

The amending finance bill for 2022 was adopted on Wednesday August 3 in the early morning by the Senate, by 225 votes for and 101 against. It opens 44 billion euros in credits, including 9.7 billion to finance the renationalization of EDF. The text was to be the subject of discussions between senators and deputies, Wednesday evening in joint joint committee, to try to find an agreement on a final version.

/Media reports.