For the first time since its creation, the far -right party has obtained a seat at the intelligence delegation. An RN deputy was also appointed rapporteur of the Air Force budget. The rebellious France, on the other hand, obtained only a post of secondary rapporteur of the armies’ budget.
After several weeks of negotiations, the posts of deputies relating to defense and intelligence issues ended up being assigned. Very sensitive positions for the executive, since the presidential party lost an absolute majority during the legislative elections of June. The transfer window ended on July 20 with the election of defense budget rapporteurs, then on July 28, with the designation of the new members of the Parliamentary Intelligence Delegation (DPR).
According to the regulation of the National Assembly, the composition of the office of each permanent commission must in principle “endeavor” to reproduce the general political configuration and to respect parity between women and men. The interpretation of these regulations being flexible, the presidential majority skillfully worked for having to concede to the opposition only some of these highly sought after parliamentarians.
The main surprise came from the DPR, which exercises control of the government’s action in terms of intelligence. Parliamentarians by being part must be empowered to secrecy. However, for the first time since the creation of the DPR in 2007, the National Rally (RN) entered it. It was the deputy of Charente Caroline Colombier who was appointed by the president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, to occupy the only opposition position within the DPR among the deputies.
Most important than usual positions
Composed a total of eight members, half of whom are law (the presidents of the laws and defense commissions), the DPR had, until June, three seats devoted to deputies of the majority and one to the ‘Opposition – The deputy of the Republicans (LR) Claude de Ganay, beaten in the first round of the legislative elections. In senators, three members of the DPR come from LR and one from the Socialist Party (PS). In view of the results of the ballot, assigning a second seat to an opposition party was therefore one of the options. Insoumise France (LFI) has positioned itself. But the majority preferred to dodge by remaining in a minimum representative format.
Due to the very reverse positions of the presidential majority on the sovereign subjects, LFI deputies were also carefully bypassed for the key posts of the Defense Commission. The “rebellious” deputy Bastien Lachaud, a good connoisseur of these subjects, was a candidate for one of the four vice-president positions. But he narrowly missed the march following the surprise candidacy of the socialist Isabelle Santiago, elected on the wire by her peers. The other vice-presidents come from the modem, horizons and republicans.
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