Before the shareholders gathered Thursday in general assembly, the new boss of the group of retirement homes posted his desire to change models. Following the scandal revealed this year, around fifteen leaders have been or will be dismissed.
In front of the croissant of croissants on the buffet drawn up Thursday, July 28 for the annual general meeting of the shareholders of Orpea, in the 17 e district of Paris, a participant suddenly was remembered that The date corresponded to the anniversary of a fatal decision. In a letter addressed a year earlier to Victor Castanet, the management of the European giant of retirement homes and commercial clinics had answered “being regret” not being able to follow up “to the 56 questions that the journalist had sent him before completing Three years of investigation which were to reveal embezzlement of public money and serious mistreatment. “Serious error”, regretted this good connoisseur of the file on Thursday. The end of inadmissibility of the siege appeared as the will to stifle the truth.
Since the release of Mr. Castanet’s book, the gravediggers (Fayard, 400 pages, 22.90 euros) sold to 160,000 copies, Orpea has remained convinced that, faced with revelations on these excesses, any attempt to defend themselves would be “inaudible”.
The AG held Thursday was to mark the end of the Edoudon strategy. The ritual meeting with shareholders was presented as a “democracy exercise”-showing a desire to “change everything from floor to ceiling”, summarizes an expert in the sector.
The staff
A “refoundation” which begins with a cleaning at the top. In front of the small hundred shareholders present, the chairman of the board of directors, Philippe Charrier announced that “fifteen leaders” of the siege of Orpea had been or were going to be dismissed. At the helm of the company in the turmoil since the dismissal in January of its general manager, Yves Le Masne, Mr. Charrier has readily played the “Clean”. “A nucleus of leaders present for a long time in society had set up a concealment system which covered embezzlement. The codirigents were not informed of this.” Mr. Charrier insisted: “All the people who left our company For gross negligence have left without any compensation. “Orpea A, moreover, filed a complaint against X and an investigation was opened by the prosecution on supposed financial crimes on the part of certain leaders.
After the upset in the staff, Orpea set out to find new blood. The general management of the group was entrusted, the 1 er July, to Laurent Guillot. Former deputy director general of Saint-Gobain, this 52-year-old polytechnician agreed to become number one with the desire to surround himself with “new talents” which, like him, are not from the medico-social seraglio. “It is time to incorporate skills which do not only come from care but which were first trained in good houses, the best groups,” he explained.
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