Purchasing power: senators adopt a slightly modified corrective budget in committee

Challenging overtime, back -to -school bonus and removal of the television fee: the senators adopted twenty -one amendments by the general rapporteur of the budget, according to a press release from the finance committee.

Le Monde with AFP

Senators, mainly right, adopted, Thursday, July 28, in committee, around twenty amendments to the project of connective budget for 2022, second part of measures to support the purchasing power that will arrive in the hemicycle on Monday from the Luxembourg Palace. The first part, the “emergency” bill for purchasing power, is in discussion since Thursday morning in this same hemicycle.

The rectified budget project opens 44 billion euros in credits, including 9.7 billion to finance the renationalization at 100 % EDF. The senators adopted in commission twenty-one amendments by the general rapporteur of the budget, Jean-François Husson, according to a press release from the finance committee.

They wish in particular to make the increase at 7,500 euros sustainable for the tax exemption for overtime, voted by the National Assembly for 2022. Currently, overtime are tax exempt up to a ceiling of 5,000 euros per year, With a maximum of 220 hours carried out over a year, excluding branch, company or specific collective agreement agreement. 2>

The tax on the “superprofits” of companies discussed Monday

They replaced the exceptional back -to -school bonus of 100 euros, reserved for social minima, by “an exceptional” boost “” of 150 euros to the beneficiaries of the activity bonus. Senators also planned an “exceptional 40 million euros” envelope for food banks, “subject to significant supply difficulties given in particular inflation”.

The rapporteur did not call into question the deletion discussed the audiovisual fee. But the senators limited to December 31, 2024 the assignment of a fraction of the VAT product to ensure the financing of public audiovisual, “this period leaving the time to set up a real reform of the sector”.

They have still decided to “improve the system” to support the most financially weakened municipalities. It will remain to approach the very delicate question of the possible establishment of a tax on the “superprofits” of large companies on Monday.

Rejected shortly last weekend by the National Assembly, this “exceptional solidarity contribution” will be brought to the Senate by the centrist group. The centrist senators will propose to apply to companies whose net profit would have been in 2021 20 % higher than the three years 2017, 2018 and 2019 a contribution up to 20 % calculated on the difference between the two amounts.

/Media reports.