Hassan Iquioussen, Imam accused of holding “hate speech” and developing “anti -Semitic theses”

Northern preacher and deemed close to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Imam is accused of taking “hateful towards the values ​​of the Republic, including secularism”, according to the prefecture of the North.

Le Monde with AFP

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced, Thursday, July 28, the future expulsion of a preacher from the North, Hassan Iquioussen, deemed close to the Muslim Brotherhood, for calls for hatred and violence, in particular against the Jewish community.

in a tweet , the minister of The interior argued that this expulsion was justified by the fact that “this preacher has been a hate speech for years against France for years, contrary to our principles of secularism and equality between women and men “. “He will be expelled from French territory,” wrote Mr. Darmanin.

This preacher has been a hate speech for years against France for years, contrary to our P … https://t.co/sy1pb4wk7c

– gdarmanin (@Gérald Darmanin)

“Today, I am accused of making discriminatory or even violent remarks, which I challenge with force. I trust justice (sic) and my advice in order to cancel this expulsion procedure “, reacted M. Iquioussen in a post on Facebook.

The expulsion order taken” in the coming hours “

Islamic preacher very active on social networks – his YouTube channel is followed by 169,000 people and his Facebook page has 42,000 subscribers -, Hassan Iquioussen had been accused in 2004 of anti -Semitic remarks by the representative of the Jewish institutions of France , who was moved to the former Union of Islamic Organizations in France, now Muslims in France.

Living in Lourches, near Valenciennes, Hassan Iquioussen had continued to hold, according to the elements collected by the Northern Prefecture of which the Agency France-Presse (AFP) was aware, of the “hateful speeches towards the values ​​of the Republic, whose secularism “, and” equality between women and men “, and to develop” anti -Semitic theses “.

He is also accused of encouraging “a form of separatism” and of feeding “conspiracy theses around Islamophobia”. On June 22, the Departmental Commission for the Expulsion for Foreigners gave a favorable opinion on its expulsion, said the Ministry of the Interior to AFP: this confirms Information of the information Point . The expulsion decree “will be taken in the coming hours”, it was added from the same source.

The expulsion of this preacher, father of five adult children, was not possible before the law fighting against separatism promulgated in August 2021. Born in France, he had French nationality until she be withdrawn by his majority. From Moroccan nationality since, he had then benefited from stay titles. It was thanks to a request to renew its residence permit this winter that the French authorities decided to use the law of August 2021.

/Media reports.