Like more than 1,700 people in France, Jérémie, Mikaël, Paul and Ynes recently contracted the virus of the variolate of the monkey. They deplore a lack of medical follow -up and the difficulty of withstanding a very strict isolation.
Jérémie’s first button looked like acne. That of Ynes, with a mosquito bite. A feeling of fever has appeared as well as a strong fatigue, accompanied by alarm clock in soaked sheets. “I never sweat and there, it is as if I had launched a bucket of water during the night,” describes Ynes (people testifying in this article are designated by their sole first name). Like 1,837 people in France, on Tuesday July 26, the 36-year-old nursing assistant and Jérémie, 38, contracted the virus of the variolate of the monkey.
This infectious and contagious disease caused by a virus, whose propagation worries the World Health Organization (WHO), has been considered since July 23 as an emergency in international health. It is only the seventh time that the WHO has used this alert level, the highest of the organization. If the risk in the world is considered relatively moderate, it is deemed high in Europe, where the first three cases had been detected in the United Kingdom in early May. The epidemic now affects nearly 16,000 people in sixty-quarter countries.
At first, the disease can be confused with other infections, due to the inexpensive symptoms that vary according to the patients. Fever, muscle pain, fatigue, “I thought I had contracted COVVI-19”, remembers Ynes. The attending physician of Mikaël, 38, had, he, presumed an angina. After multiple consultations, erroneous diagnoses, pains such as “an open wound sprinkled with lemon juice” or “stab wounds in the anus”, as well as itching, Ynes calls the Samu, three days after its first symptoms .
Three weeks of isolation
ynes, who is a transgender woman, is transported to the emergency room. “I hear transphobic remarks, I am badly welcomed, I have hypotension, I am told that it’s okay when it’s not going at all, I suffer and I don’t know why.” When she shows her Skin eruptions which have gradually become purulent, “I am ultimately diagnosed with the variolate of the monkey”. The caregivers prescribe tramadol then morphine, two powerful analgesics. “Above all, do not come back to the hospital, isolate yourself for three weeks,” said a caregiver before she leaves.
The vario of the monkey is transmitted by direct contact with mucous membranes and skin lesions, or with surfaces or contaminated objects. It can also be transmitted by respiratory droplets, during an exposure to the prolonged face. Health insurance thus imposes twenty-one total isolation, without physical contact with others, “from the start date of the symptoms until the skin lesions are healed,” she said.
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