MPs failed to complete the examination of the government’s plan in favor of purchasing power. The debates will resume on Monday.
This was to be an illustration of the “new method” of the executive, ready for dialogue and compromise with oppositions to avoid blockages. Until late in the evening of Saturday, July 23, the mechanics are unwittingly. Ten days after having been put in the hemicycle on part of the health bill, the government was again beaten during the examination of the Corrective Budget (PLFR), a text which contains part of its Support measures for the purchasing power of households, including the abolition of the royalty and aid for the purchase of fuel.
The battle did not focus directly on purchasing power measures, but on the question of compensation for local authorities of the revaluation of active solidarity income (RSA) and the index point of civil servants . Desired by the State in a context of inflation, it will mechanically increase the expenses of the communities. On the initiative of deputy Charles de Courson (Liberty and Territories, Marne), part of the elected officials asked for care by the State “to the nearest euro”, and had managed to have two amendments adopted in this sense in Finance Commission, against the advice of the general rapporteur, from the majority. The sums are far from negligible, since the revaluation of the RSA and the index point will represent nearly 1.3 billion euros in the second half of 2022.
At the end of the evening on Saturday, the assembly spent the veto of the government, which argued the good financial health of the communities and their very disparate situation. Via an amendment very largely adopted by the left, the National Rally (RN), the Republicans (LR) but also, and this is the first time, deputies of the Horizons group, member of the majority, the Assembly decided to ‘Allocate 120 million to the departments that pay the RSA to fully compensate for the 4 % increase in this service. And an amendment offering full compensation for the 3.5 % increase in the index point (1.1 billion euros) was rejected near three votes. “The Minister has ratified that going into force is not possible” in this assembly where the government no longer has an absolute majority, noted the president of the finance committee Eric Coquerel (La France Insoumise, Seine-Saint-Denis ).
The sensitive subject of financial relations between the State and the communities
“I am amazed to see parliamentarians, who on the TV sets with interview have only the word recovery of public finances in the mouth, which engage such expenses”, annoyed Bruno le Mayor during the debate. A working group bringing together Bercy and group presidents must offer a new compensation system by Monday. The examination of the text, which could not end on Saturday, must indeed resume in the hemicycle, Monday afternoon.
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