An increasing part of the referrals treated by the national education mediator, according to the latter’s 2021 activity report, published Monday, July 25, concerns behavioral problems, between school and students or their parents . The alert is also launched on the assignment of teachers and the dematerialization of the registration for exams.
“The relationship between the school and its users has tense itself, and it becomes urgent to reconnect.” This is how Catherine Becchetti-Bizot, mediator of national education, sums up the content of her Activity report 2021, which appears on Monday July 25. With 18,000 referrals treated in 2021 – of which 1,411 received in 2020 which could not be treated before the end of the year -, the work of this body, responsible for the regulation of conflicts between the administration, the users And staff are not increasing compared to last year. It is even slightly withdrawn, by 5 %. However, the referral rate has doubled in ten years, and it emerges a sharp increase in conflict in the school system.
National education users – students, students and their families – are the most numerous to grasp the mediator to help them resolve a difficulty or conflict. Among the referrals of users, questions of “school life” are in very strong increase: from 24 % over one year and 106 % in five years. “These referrals, mainly focused on school education, concern school-family conflicts, behavioral and discipline problems, and disputes related to rating and evaluation,” read the mediator report .
“contest notes”
“Four thousand two hundred referrals on conflicts related to school life, it is a lot for the mediator, who receives only part of the complaints, comments Catherine Becchetti-Bizot. Academic mediators say they are increasing the referrals Linked to behavioral problems, whether it concerns relationships between students, between students and teachers, or between parents and establishments … “Parents of students more often question decisions (46 % of referrals related to school life concern Parents-school conflicts), and, still according to academic mediators, the aggressiveness of users increases. In high school, families also “used to challenge notes that appear in the school book and now count for the bac”, she notes, hence the increase in referrals on the subject: they are five times more numerous than five years ago.
For her 2021 activity report, the national education mediator has also chosen to highlight themes that aggregate tensions, sometimes for several years – subjects for which the number of referrals is constant and where the ‘Administration is struggling to find lasting answers.
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