The loyalty bouquet of the e-commerce platform goes from 49 to 69.90 euros per year and from 5.99 to 6.99 euros per month, or 43 % and 17 % of Increase.
During the night of Monday 25 to Tuesday, July 26, Amazon notified the bonus subscribers of a significant increase in prices: the loyalty bouquet of the e-commerce platform goes from 49 to 69 , 90 euros per year and from 5.99 to 6.99 euros per month, or 43 % and 17 % increase.
“This change is linked to the increase in premium operating costs in France”, explains Amazon France in the email sent to bonus subscribers, which brings together a free fast delivery service, but also Series, films and sporting competitions of Prime Video, music with Amazon Music, etc.
Questioned about the details of expenditure increases, the company first invokes the inflation of “fuel costs” of deliveries, and also that of the “packaging prices” of packages, even if Amazon ensures efforts To reduce their weight and volume at least. The online sales platform had already invoked gasoline prices at the end of April to justify the rise of 4 to 5 % of its prices invoiced to sellers using its logistics services.
This Tuesday, Amazon France also specifies having “improved the quality of the premium service” a lot, in particular by expanding the selection of products eligible for fast delivery. For food races, express delivery has also been extended to 10 cities (in partnership with Monoprix) and the “Drive” car withdrawal from 75 cities (in partnership with Casino).
added many content
The offer of “entertainment” of Prime Video and Amazon Music has also been reinforced, but the company wishes to ensure that this “has had no impact” on the increase in the prime price. Prime Video has indeed added a lot of content: the Rolland-Garros tennis tournament, the Ligue 1 football (accessible by being straightening to an additional channel at 12.99 euros per month or 89 euros per year, on promotion) … But also the future series taken from the Lord of the Rings, or of the French productions to which the platform is now required to devote 20 % of its turnover.
Amazon finally recalls that the prime price in France had not moved since its launch in 2008. It was also lower than in other European countries, where prices also increased on Tuesday: in the kingdom -Uni, from 7.99 pounds to 8.99 (around 10.60 euros) and from 79 to 95 pounds (around 112 euros), in Germany, from 7.99 to 8.99 euros and from 69 to 89.90 euros…
Nevertheless, the increase highlights the cost of the costs and the price policy of Amazon and premium. The company does not communicate its number of subscribers per country, limiting itself to claiming “more than 200 million” of members worldwide. The premium rate increases in France by 43 % while inflation is “only” by 7 %, quipped the former economist of the European Commission on Twitter, Tommaso Valletti, believing that the increase illustrates the “power of market “of the leader of e-commerce.
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