Health and medico-social sector professionals are extended to access to the second vaccination recall.
The delicate subject was so far still “in arbitration” at the Ministry of Health, he is now decided. Caregivers are opened access to a “fourth” dose of Vaccine (second recall) of COVID-19, but without obligation, according to a directive of the Directorate General of Health, made public on July 26. These health professionals remain subject to the vaccination obligation implemented during the epidemic crisis, the maintenance of which has been widely debated in recent weeks during the examination of the health bill, but this fourth injection ” Not in the field of vaccination obligation “, provides the text .
All health professionals, whatever their age or state of health, as well as employees in the health and medico-social sector, home aid working with vulnerable people, professionals of health transport And firefighters can now, if they wish, receive this second reminder. It was so far open to people over 60, immunocompromised or even people at risk of serious forms and pregnant women.
“strong” epidemic circulation
For health professionals, it can be administered “from six months after the first recall”, and “respecting a period of three months after the infection in the event of infection after the first recall”. An extension which intervenes in “the current context characterized by an epidemic circulation which remains strong”, specifies the ministerial direction, and “according to the opinions of the guidance council of the vaccination strategy”.
A few days earlier, on July 22, the Government made the decision to maintain the obligation to vaccinate the personnel working in health establishments and medico-social structures, disputed by part of the opposition which called to reintegrate non-vaccinated caregivers. “The Academy of Medicine, the Scientific Council and the High Authority for Health have a convergent opinion. (…) It is negative. (…) We follow the opinion of scientists,” defended the Minister of Health, François Braun .